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‘You’re A N—er, Do My Chores, B—h!’ Racist University of Kentucky Student Banned From Campus And Charged With Assault After Physically Attacking Black Student

She had the right one that day.

The University of Kentucky (UK) permanently banned a racist white former student from campus and restricted her from re-applying as a student after videos showed her drunkenly hurling racial slurs at a Black student and assaulting two students on Nov. 6. She’s now facing assault charges with the possibility of facing more.

Twenty-two-year-old Sophia Rosing was supposed to graduate in May. However, the incident caused the school to revoke her student status, and campus police charged her with first and second degrees of public intoxication, third-degree assault to a police officer and fourth and second-degree disorderly conduct, NBC reported.

The school’s president, Eli Capilouto, released a statement on the day of the incident.

“To be clear, we condemn this behavior and will not tolerate it under any circumstance,” the statement read. “The safety and well-being of our community has been — and will continue to be — our top priority.”

The statement continued, “The video images I have seen do not honor our responsibilities to each other. They reflect violence, which is never acceptable, and a denial of the humanity of members of our community. They do not reflect civil discourse. They are deeply antithetical to what we are and what we always want to be as a community.”

The altercation occurred in UK’s Boyd Hall. The Black student, Kylah Spring, was a freshman working as a desk clerk. She took to social media to explain what happened.

Spring explained that Rosing was visibly intoxicated between 1 a.m. and 1:15 a.m. Rosing walked over to the elevator and began talking to it. Spring acted professionally and used the protocols she was taught to deal with drunk UK students.

“It is a part of our job that if we see a student that’s very drunk, we are to call an RA (resident assistant) for them to be able to write up a report…really just to make sure the student gets to where they need to be safely.”

Spring asked Rosing if she was okay and said the 22-year-old continued looking at her and called her a “n***er.”

After getting the number of an RA, Spring tried to sit Rosing down to keep her from entering the elevator since she didn’t look like a resident.

“She didn’t have a phone with her. She didn’t have an ID card. The only reason that the elevator opened was because there was another student getting off.”

Spring tried to get the girl to sit down, but Rosing continued to spit racist comments at her.

“‘No, n***er, you f**king n***er. B***h, you’re a n***er. Do my chores, b***h.’ And she kept doing that while I’m trying to sit her down,” Spring recalled.

Spring alleged that the drunk, racist girl bit her on the arm, punched her in the face and kicked her in the stomach. Rosing attempted to run Spring over with a grocery cart in the lobby. Rosing bit another worker that tried to help de-escalate the situation.

Videos showed two workers trying to prevent Rosing from boarding the elevators, but she continued assaulting them with punches and a shopping cart.

Frustrated that she couldn’t have her way, Rosing smiled and repeatedly said, “Yep, you’re a n***er a** b***h.”

TikTok unnecessarily removed Spring’s audio from her explanation video but swiftly circled other social media sites. Other videos show Rosing getting arrested while repeatedly singing the word “n***er.”

According to Spring (before TikTok removed the audio), Rosing told an officer that she had “lots of  money and (gets) special treatment.”

On Monday night, a rally occurred on UK’s campus where Spring addressed Rosing in her speech.

“You will not break my spirit, and you will be held accountable for your actions,” she said. “I only pray that you open your heart to love and try to experience life differently and more positively after this.”

Facebook restricted Spring’s account for two days for “hate speech.”

@ky.janalise … just sad. #justiceforkylahspring #universityofkentucky #blm #college #markzuckerberg #help ♬ We can not escape we can not come out – Chloe?.

Moments before the dorm hall incident, Rosing allegedly was kicked out of a bar for biting someone and spewing racial slurs.

After her arrest, she was bailed out ($10,000 bond) by her parents and pleaded not guilty to the assault and disorderly conduct. She allegedly worked for Dillards but was fired.

Barstool posted a video of Rosing taken a year ago of her bragging about being rich.

Taylor Berry