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Will Smith Considers a Career in Politics in the Future

Hmm... Will Smith A Politician? Will Jada be the First Lady?

Veteran actor and rapper Will Smith may add politician to his list of skills soon. It would be a massive shift for Smith because he is known for his artistic talents.

Smith appeared on Crooked Media’s Pod Save American podcast to share his political views and maybe one day running for office.

He thought about running for office six years earlier during Trump’s presidential campaign. Smith was not fond of Trump’s racist and disturbing remarks about different ethnicities, including Muslims. He also mentioned his interest in politics onThe Hollywood Reporter’s Awards Chatter podcast.

“I think for now I’ll let that office get cleaned up a little bit and then I’ll consider that at some point down the line,” Smith said. “I absolutely have an opinion, I’m optimistic, I’m hopeful, I believe in understanding between people and I believe in the possibility of harmony. I will certainly do my part, whether it remains artistic or, at some point, ventures into the political arena.”

On the podcast, Smith mentioned how and why he could be a good fit in the political world when he said, “And you know, as I look at the political landscape, I think that there might be a future out for me. So I’m feeling that at some point, in the near future, I will have to lend my voice to the conversation in a somewhat different way.”

Granted, Will Smith is a well-respected mega-star. However, he also shared his experiences with racism and injustice and being called the “N-word.” He stated discrimination is an ongoing issue, but now it’s being filmed.

“I’ve been called [n-word] to my face probably five or six times. And fortunately for my psyche, I’ve never been called [n-word] by a smart person,” he said. “I grew up with the impression that racists and racism were stupid, and they were easy to get around. I just had to be smarter now while they were very dangerous. I had never looked into the eyes of a racist and saw anything that I perceived as intellect.”

Will we see Smith in front of a podium, delivering his political speech? Only time will tell, but he is not afraid to raise awareness about the harsh realities in the world today.







Dominique Carson

Dominique Carson is an award-winning community activist, journalist, researcher, and licensed massage therapist. In November 2020, she published a biography on R&B icon, Jon B entitled, Jon B: Are You Still Down? She graduated with her bachelor's and master's degrees from CUNY Brooklyn College. Carson also received her massage degree and certification from CUNY Queensborough Community College. Ms. Carson has been an active freelance writer for eight years and wrote for many publications including Amsterdam News, NBC News, The Grio,,,, & Bleu Magazine. She has interviewed over 100 notable people in entertainment. Carson has been apart of various writing projects over the years such as How to Survive Freshmen Year in College, Lefferts Manor Association Journal, and Brooklyn College media-related assignments. She is currently a senior writer for Sister 2 Sister & News Onyx.

Published by
Dominique Carson