Photo Courtesy of Tamia Brooks/ Fox 2 News
According to Fox 2 Detroit, a police officer of the Warren Police Department was investigated by internal affairs after he posted racist comments under a post. As of Tuesday morning, he was fired.
Tamia Brooks told the outlet that as she was browsing Facebook, she came across a video of an unruly passenger getting taken off a plane that was diverted to Detroit last week.
She decided to comment on it, and the Warren officer responded.
” I decided to comment on it. I was talking to somebody about it, and he just jumped into the conversation with all his racist stuff,” Brooks said.
After he butt-in, she labeled him ignorant in response to his racial commentary.
He then went on a racist rant, saying, “Black on Black crime is beyond repair, Black babies having Black babies – no men – brave enough to stay with one lady and raise his kids. Every kid’s ambition is to either be a rapper, or basketball players, or drug dealer. I’m ignant – drop-out rate is astronomical. I (sic) other words, a group of low-life thugs, and that is facts! Glad I wasn’t born bl&@k. I would kill myself!”
“I have never had an experience of anyone saying something to me like that to me, so I was just, kind of, taken aback,” Brooks said.
When she found out that the post had apparently come from a Warren Police Officer, she immediately called the department.
An internal investigation then started, and the officer in question was put on administrative leave.
According to Click on Detroit, the Warren Police Commissioner William Dwyer said, “This incident involves alleged comments posted to Facebook by an off-duty officer using his personal Facebook profile. Upon being made aware of the allegation, the Warren Police Department immediately launched an internal investigation and placed the officer on administrative leave.”
“The Warren Police Department does not condone the use of racist comments by any employees, whether on duty or off duty. Statements like this erode civilian trust and confidence in the police department and are not tolerated,” he continued. “This allegation is serious and will be thoroughly investigated in accordance with Warren Police Department procedures and the officer’s collective bargaining agreement. The alleged views expressed by the officer do not align with the mission, goals, and philosophy of the Warren Police Department and in no way reflect on the views of the 200 plus members of the Warren Police Department.”
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Brooks said a suspension isn’t enough and is working with the internal affairs.
“I want him to get fired,” she said. “I just thank them for taking it seriously.”