Orisha Luckey/Photo courtesy of The Independent
Orisha Luckey, the man who chased a woman to her apartment in New York, has been arrested for the 38th time. The serial offender has been charged for his behavior in the now-viral video.
The viral video sent chills down many viewers’ spines as the woman desperately entered her apartment and shut the door just before Orisha was able to force his way in as well. He then stood there, turned the doorknob in an attempt to enter, and then rang the doorbell before he left.
According to a tweet on Friday, the police finally arrested him on Oct. 7, two weeks after the event happened.
Orisha, 41, is a repeat offender. This is his 38th time being arrested, and this time, he has been charged with attempted burglary, harassment and criminal trespassing. Police have not detailed his other arrests.
The woman, who has remained anonymous to preserve her safety, was not hurt but did say that the perpetrator began his pursuit of her outside of the building.
“There were two guys outside, and they were looking suspicious,” she said. “He followed me inside the building, and he said ‘Miss, miss’ twice.”
She said it only took seconds before she realized he was around the corner as she quickly tried to open the apartment lock. Looking back at the video, she realizes how closely he chased her and her narrow escape.
The victim, 50, is now shaken and said her guard is now up. Her husband and family now watch her leave the building.
Although Chief Essig thanked the public for getting a “dangerous recidivist” off the street, after his 37th arrest, Orisha was still allowed to be a part of society. Now, the question begs if, after the 38th arrest, he will be allowed to do the same.