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VIDEO: Indianapolis Eatery Shuts Down After Video Footage Shows Food On Its Floor, Mice And Barefoot Employees

Jordan's Fish & Chips was closed “to protect public health and safety.”

Indianapolis eatery Jordan’s Fish & Chips recently shut down after video footage showed food on its floor, mice and barefoot employees.

According to Fox59, Jordan’s, located at 4175 N. Post Road, was closed after the video made rounds on social media. In the footage, food was allegedly seen being prepared on a dirty floor, a rodent appeared among customers, and the staff was barefoot. The abnormal findings led the Marion County Public Health Department to close the restaurant “to protect public health and safety.”

View video 1 here. View the second video here.

“The Marion County, Public Health Department, attempted to perform an inspection this morning at the Jordan’s Fish-Chicken-Sandwiches located at 4175 N. Post Road in Indianapolis based on a complaint from Sunday evening,” a statement from the department indicated. “When an MCPHD inspector visited this morning at the restaurant’s posted opening time, the building was locked, and no employees were present. While there, the inspector noticed a large amount of spilled grease outside the restaurant. Based on this violation and the nature of the initial complaint, the health department suspended the operating license for this location, and a notice was placed on the front door. An inspection and approval from MCPHD Food and Consumer Safety will be needed before the restaurant can legally reopen and resume serving the public. MCPHD will continue to monitor.”

The gross footage was initially shared by a concerned male customer who wanted to expose Jordan’s Chicken & Chips for its alleged health violations. He explained that he was waiting in line to order when he saw a door in the back cracked open and recorded what he allegedly saw.

“[I] walked towards the door to look through it and saw a lot of unsanitary conditions and activity going on behind the door,” the man recalled. “[I] opened the door and started recording from my phone.”

Following the viral video, about 20 customers gathered outside the restaurant and were met with a neon green sign that read “NOTICE…CLOSED.”

No further information has been provided.

Amber Alexander

Senior Writer for Sister 2 Sister and News Onyx.