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VIDEO: FedEx Driver Saves Toddler After Crash On South Carolina Highway

The deliveryman was caught performing his good deed on camera.

FedEx driver Damien Rose saved a toddler after a car crashed on a South Carolina highway.

Video footage released by news outlets showed Rose stopping his vehicle, rushing to the crash scene, and then picking up an injured little boy. The FedEx employee was on his way back to the company’s warehouse to clock out and end his shift as he saw the collision on Highway 52 near Moncks Corner.

Rose reportedly saw smoke from the distance as he approached the car crash, and his instincts immediately kicked in.

“I just happen to see smoke coming from out of the distance and saw the two cars and was like automatically I knew it was an accident,” he told WYFF. “Soon as I got there, I heard a lot of screaming and yelling, and they were saying, ‘get the kid, get the kid.”

“So…I put my vehicle in park and just ran straight to the car,” he also told WCSC.

As he got to the car, Rose noticed a child in the back of it and rescued him. He said the kid seemed to suffer from an injury, as his mouth was bleeding.

The deliveryman also reportedly attempted to save a woman who was trapped in the second vehicle involved in the crash. Still, its doors were damaged, so he waited for paramedics to arrive.

“Her husband said that she was stuck, but I couldn’t get her out,” he said. “I went to the other side to try to get her out again and pull the door, but it still didn’t work.”

He told news outlets that he was happy to help and said the families told him they were “very thankful” for his help.

“Hopefully, blessings come back. It always comes back. I never trip about things like that.”

He added that someone once saved his grandmother from an accident a well.

“My grandma got in an accident before, and somebody was there to save her,” said Rose.

Amber Alexander

Senior Writer for Sister 2 Sister and News Onyx.

Published by
Amber Alexander