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UPDATE: Paint Found On Jeep Of Missing 24-Year-Old Daniel Robinson

Police claim they do not suspect foul play.

New information regarding the disappearance of Daniel Robinson could be another lead to help find the missing 24-year-old. A private investigator found paint on Robinson’s blue Jeep that could not be from where it was found.

Robinson was last seen on June 23, leaving his job as a geologist in Buckeye, Arizona, near a well. Robinson’s Jeep was found on July 19 by a rancher in a ravine, who notified the Buckeye Police Department.

Police officers failed to collect DNA or collect evidence from inside the Jeep. David Robinson, Daniel’s father, was told that there was no reason for the police to investigate because they saw no blood inside the vehicle.

Mr. Robinson questioned their methods, and the police eventually checked the Jeep for fingerprints and swabbed the inside of the vehicle for DNA. Daniel’s boots, cellphone, wallet and keys were also found inside the car. Yet, the police do not suspect foul play because his belongings were safe.

The family hired private investigator Jeff McGrath after Mr. Robinson had concerns that the Buckee Police weren’t trying hard enough to find his son. McGrath disagrees with the police, who believe that Daniel was inside the Jeep when it crashed.

Police also believe that the Jeep sped up before it crashed, which McGrath disputes due to Jeep’s crash recorder evidence.

“The car did not speed up right before the crash,” said McGrath. “I don’t know where this investigator got this information. I’m looking at the crash data recorder. There’s no indication, as a matter of fact, of the car’s speed.”

McGrath also found that Daniel’s Jeep had 11 more miles on it after deployed airbags. He also found that the vehicle’s ignition had 46 cycles after the crash. There was also paint found on the Jeep that is unexplained.

Mr. Robinson, a disabled veteran with PTSD, has done everything he can to find his son and is still searching, without much help from law enforcement. He thanked McGrath for helping him find out what has happened to his son.

The family has organized 20 searches looking for Daniel and has scheduled another search on Jan. 8 from 7 a.m. until 11 a.m. in the desert. A city search will also take place on the same day at 3:15 p.m. The family needs volunteers on foot and on horseback and those with ATVs to search in the desert.

Robinson’s exhaustive search for his son discovered human remains in the desert not belonging to Daniel, and Buckeye Police Chief Larry Hall has called in the FBI. Anyone with pertinent information should call (803) 200-7994 or go to


Niko Mann

Niko Mann is a Freelance Journalist for News Onyx and Sister2Sister. She lives in Los Angeles. Follow her on Twitter@niko1mann.

Published by
Niko Mann