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UPDATE: Jelani Day’s Mother Seeking Answers For Son’s Mysterious Death

Jelani's mother deserves answers.

Carmen Bolden, the mother of Jelani Day, a graduate student whose body was found in the Illinois River on September 4, is still looking for answers after her son died mysteriously.

Bolden made a virtual appearance on the Good Morning America show, where she shared details into the peculiar and tragic death. 

“I’m very upset because I can’t even look at my son’s body. His body has deteriorated to the point where I can’t say a proper goodbye to him,” she said.

Police are investigating an unidentified man who was seen on camera knocking on the door of a home near where Day’s body was found. Police are describing the case and the evidence discovered as “unusual.”

Day’s mom is begging the public for any help in hopes of finding answers to the mysterious disappearance and death of her son.

“Jelani did not disappear into thin air,” Bolden shared. “Somebody knows something, somebody’s seen something, and I need somebody to say something.”

Related Story: Twenty-Five-Year-Old Medical Student Jelani Day Missing From Illinois State University

Bolden previously called out Bloomington and Peru police departments for allegedly lacking in their effort to investigate thoroughly into the disappearance of Day.

“I don’t understand that, really, but whatever it takes to find out what happened to him, that’s what I want them to do,” Bolden Day said, accordion to People. “I want them to use their tools and their resources so that we can find out what happened to Jelani because he did not disappear into thin air.”

Bolden Day said that her son was “ambitious” and “driven.” 

“He was focused,” she continued. “He was energetic. He was full of life. Jelani was a person that you couldn’t help but love.”

As previously reported, Day’s body was found in the Illinois River on September 23 by the LaSalle County Coroner after being reported missing the previous month. His cause of death is still unknown.

Janelle Bombalier

Staff Writer for Sister2Sister and News Onyx with a fondness for traveling and photography. I enjoy giving my take on education, politics, entertainment, crime, social justice issues, and new trends.

Published by
Janelle Bombalier