Photo Courtesy of Instagram/Donna Rice Photography
Ex-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his wife, Laticia Maria McGee, have announced they are expecting a baby.
Kilpatrick and his wife made two exciting, significant announcements in a nine-minute-long video posted on his Instagram page. One is that they are expecting a little boy together.
“Tonight, we’re going to announce to everyone who is within earshot our great news,” he said, sitting in front of a portrait of Rosa Parks. “Laticia and I are about to bring forth a brand new baby boy. We found out that we are pregnant.”
Laticia is 20-weeks pregnant, and this will be the fifth boy for the Kilpatrick family. The couple has one son together, and Kilpatrick has three sons from his first marriage. He and Laticia were married in July.
“We already have a son,” Kilpatrick noted in the video. “So we all boys… The fifth boy is coming to the family.”
“We’re just excited about what God has done in our lives and our marriage and a beautiful gift of another son,” he said.
“I am just totally overwhelmed with all of the supernatural love,” McGee added in the Instagram video.
The two said that they wanted to let everyone know simultaneously. “I am excited. I am over the top excited,” Kilpatrick added.
The former mayor also said he and Laticia are launching their Movement Ministries next week, Jan 20. The day marks the first anniversary he was released from federal prison after then-President Donald Trump commuted his sentence. Kilpatrick served more than seven years of a 28-year prison sentence for corruption crimes.
The worship service will be in Marietta, Georgia, but it will also be available to stream live through various platforms such as Facebook, YouTube and online at