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U.S. Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn Repeatedly Called The N-Word By Trump Insurrectionists

Dunn said that he was confronted with a "torrent of racial epithets."

U.S. Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn testified about repeatedly being called the n-word by Trump insurrectionists as he defended the Capital on Jan. 6.

Dunn testified during the riot inquiry at the U.S. Capital on July 27, according to NBC News.

He began his testimony by asking for a moment of silence for his colleague, Brian D. Sicknick, who died after suffering two strokes while protecting the Capital from the Trump lunatics.

The officer then gave an account of what he witnessed during the attack on the Capital. Dunn noted that it was the first time he had ever been called

a n***** while in his uniform. He has been in law enforcement for 13 years. He described trying to deescalate a MAGA rioter only for her to show her entire a**.

“I’m a law enforcement officer, and I do my best to keep politics out of my job, but in this circumstance, I responded: ‘Well, I voted for Joe Biden. Does my vote not count? Am I nobody?'” said Dunn.

“That prompted a torrent of racial epithets. One woman in a pink MAGA shirt yelled: ‘Did you hear that, guys? This n***** voted for Joe Biden.’ Then the crowd, perhaps around 20 people, joined in screaming, ‘Booo, f****** n*****.’ No one had ever, ever called me a n***** while wearing the uniform of a Capitol Police officer,” said Dunn.

Dunn also testified that another Black U.S. Capital Police Officer was taunted with racial slurs by the terrorists, who screamed, “Put your gun down, and we’ll show you what kind of n***** you really are!”

The brave man described seeing a swelling crowd forming at the Capital before receiving a message to proceed to the West Terrace. Chaos awaited Dunn when he got to the west side of the building. He described a “sea of people” with the insurrectionists and police officers in hand-to-hand battles, police officers bloodied from being beaten with broken bicycle racks and flagpoles, rioters spraying toxic chemicals in the air and white supremacists spewing racial epithets.

The crowd chanted “We want Trump!” and “Stop the Steal!”

He also quoted House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy during his testimony. McCarthy called the treasonous attack on the Capital un-American at the time, yet he does not support investigating the insurrectionists now.

“‘The violence, destruction, and chaos we saw earlier was unacceptable, undemocratic,and un-American. It was the saddest day I’ve ever had serving in this institution.’ Members of this Select Committee, the Minority Leader was absolutely right that day in how he described what took place at the Capitol. And for those of us in the Capitol Police who serve and revere this institution, and who love the Capitol building, it was the saddest day for us as well.'”

Dunn and his colleagues want the Jan. 6 attack investigated and those responsible held accountable.

“If a hit man is hired and he kills somebody, the hit man goes to jail,” said Dunn. “But not only does the hit man go to jail, but the person who hired them does. There was an attack carried out on Jan. 6, and a hit man sent them. I want you to get to the bottom of that.”

Doturd Trump incited the crowd during one of his MAGA rallies and sent them to the Capital building amped up on white supremacy and with his permission.

The racist right did what they do best and turned Dunn’s eloquent account of the events on Jan. 6 into a racist, political attack. White supremacist Tucker Carlson from FOX News was

quick to brand Dunn as an angry, radical Black man.

“Dunn will pretend to speak for the country’s law enforcement community, but it turns out Dunn has very little in common with your average cop. Dunn is an angry, left-wing political activist.”

The dedicated cop said that he still hurts from the attack on the Capital and sees a counselor to deal with the trauma.

Dunn had a message for the insurrectionists who attacked the Capital on Jan. 6.

“To the rioters, the terrorists, and the insurrections of that day: Democracy went on that night, and still continues to exist today. Democracy is bigger than any one person, and any one party. You all tried to disrupt democracy that day, and you all failed.”


Niko Mann

Niko Mann is a Freelance Journalist for News Onyx and Sister2Sister. She lives in Los Angeles. Follow her on Twitter@niko1mann.

Published by
Niko Mann