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Texas Mother Claims Father FaceTimed Her While Choking 2-Year-Old Daughter

The tragic incident happened on Monday.

The mother of a 2-year-old Texas girl who was allegedly killed by her father has claimed that the suspect Facetimed her while he was choking the child.

According to reports, Deontray Flanagan went into a Walmart store in Harris County, Texas on Monday morning after picking up his daughter, Zevaya Marie Flanagan, from daycare.

Flanagan allegedly assaulted the child’s mother and took her phone before leaving with the girl.

“He just wanted my phone. He’s screaming at me telling me what is the passcode, tell me the passcode, or she’s going to get hurt; and I’m telling him the passcode over and over, but I guess it just wasn’t enough,” Kairsten Watson, mother of the toddler, said.

“Her face was just covered in blood. He hit her with something really hard, and then he called me on Facetime, and he showed me. He choked her on Facetime. I said, ‘Tray stop, that is your daughter, stop, she loves you.’ His exact words were you only love that man, you did this to her,” Watson added.

“The first day I called, he took my child. I was giving her a bath, and he took her out of the tub, she wasn’t dressed, and he just took her out the house and drove away in a car, and didn’t bring her back until 11 a.m. the next day,” she said.

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Flanagan has been charged with murder and injury to a child. The Harris County Sheriff’s Office said that the suspect had been previously charged with aggravated assault and family violence. He was out on bond for those charges at the time of the incident.

Authorities have said that the investigation is ongoing, and they are looking into Flanagan’s past history and the events leading up to the alleged murder. They are also urging anyone with information about the case to come forward.

Aziah Kamari

Aziah Kamari Pless is a writer and content creator with 5+ years of experience in freelance writer, editor and PR roles. A graduate of Florida State University, she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English: Editing, Writing and Media. She incorporates her interests in music, fashion, media and entertainment to create versatile and compelling content.