Terry Crews/Photo courtesy of USA Today
Terry Crews was criticized on social media (again) after he made some controversial comments about “the cookout.” According to the actor, he is okay with not being invited to the fictional event and implied that not being there meant that he is not brainwashed.
Crews tweeted out of nowhere about his status as an uninvited Black man.
“The best thing about being uninvited to the cookout…Is you never drank the Koolaid,” Crews wrote.
Crews has a history of joining the side of white supremacy for absolutely no reason.
For example, in July, he decided to reclaim the racial slur “c**n.” His new acronym for the word was, “CONQUER OUR OWN NEGATIVITY.”
Less than three months later, Crews chose violence…against himself with his tweet about the cookout. Black Twitter was over it and although nobody asked him, they certainly had the answers.
Some tweeters felt Crews’ post was a cry for help from the very community he has shunned.
These tweeters had to remind Crews how the Black community, particularly Black women, had his back when he revealed his own sexual harassment experience in Hollywood.
Those last tweers are really the reason that Crews is so heavily criticized.
He may think the rest of the community is brainwashed but the way he freely placates his abusers tells the truth.