Johnnie Mae Davis Became A Wife And Widow After Husband Toraze Had A Heart Attack
A Nebraska wedding turned into a day of mourning when groom Toraze Terrel Davis, a man who collapsed after exchanging ...
A Nebraska wedding turned into a day of mourning when groom Toraze Terrel Davis, a man who collapsed after exchanging ...
Ne’vaeh Brown, a victim of gun violence that had nothing to do with her, is blind in one eye her ...
Please help this devastated family! ?
Blessings come in the smallest packages! ?
"He had never been in trouble with the law, not even a parking ticket," Wells said of her beloved son.
Thankfully, Kayla Howard ended up meeting her donation amount and even surpassing it!
Angels don't just exist in heaven!
A Howard University student was surprised when Brooklyn Nets' Kyrie Irving contributed more than enough to her GoFundMe campaign to ...
NBA star Kyrie Irving has donated $65,000 to the family of the Black woman killed during a birthday Mexico Trip, ...
A babysitter turned into a hero after fighting off a pitbull who attacked a 4-year-old boy!