Susan Lorincz / Twitter
On June 26, a white woman named Susan Lorincz was accused of killing a Black mother in front of her 9-year-old kid in central Florida by shooting through the front door. For those seeking justice in the death of Ajike Owens, the issue is that State Attorney William Gladson indicated that there is insufficient evidence that Lorincz had “hatred, spite, ill will, or evil intent” toward Owens.
In June, Susan Lorincz was arrested concerning Owens’ death in Ocala, Fla. Lorincz was formally charged with one count of manslaughter by firearm and one count of assault, and if convicted, she faces up to 30 years in jail.
“I am aware of the desire of the family, and some community members, that the defendant be charged with second degree murder,” Gladson said in a statement. “My obligation as State Attorney is to follow the law in each case that I prosecute. I did so in this case, and while some may not agree with that decision, I can assure you that the decision was thoughtful and made without consideration of any factors other than the specific facts of this terrible crime.”
“As deplorable as the defendant’s actions were in this case, there is insufficient evidence to prove this specific and required element of second-degree murder,” Gladson said.
The intent of the culprit is what distinguishes manslaughter from murder. Murder is the willful killing of another person with the intent to kill or seriously damage them, which is known as malice aforethought. On the other hand, manslaughter is the unlawful death of another person without premeditation. As a result of the perpetrator’s careless or negligent actions, the victim died even though they had not intended to kill or seriously damage the victim.
However, the decision against filing a second-degree murder charge has disappointed the attorney for Owens’ family, Anthony Thomas.
“We firmly believe that justice demands nothing less,” Thomas said in a statement. “The failure of the prosecutor to charge Susan with what truly reflected her wanton, reckless behavior undermines our ability to even get real accountability.”
Owens was slain on June 2. After the incident, Lorincz revealed to investigators that she had experienced issues for two years with neighborhood kids disrespecting her, including Owens’ kids, who are ages 12, 9, 7, and 3.
According to an arrest report from the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, Lorincz claimed she had a headache the day of the shooting and that children were yelling and running around outside her apartment. Lorincz threw a pair of roller skates at a group of children playing basketball that evening, hitting one of the children in the feet.
Owens then approached her and banged on her door. According to Lorincz, Owens threatened to kill her and banged on the door so hard that she was afraid he would break it down. Lorincz fired a shot from her gun, and according to the sheriff’s investigation, Owens was fatally shot by a .380-caliber handgun fired through the locked door.
The judge granted Lorincz $154,000 bail, with conditions that she wear an ankle monitor and stay away from Owens’ family.