Categories: Politics

Rep. Maxine Waters Threatens To Sue Fox News

The chairwoman has received death threats due to alleged 'false claims' made by the media outlet.

Rep. Maxine Waters threatened to take legal action against Fox News amid a story that claimed she abused a 9/11 flight protection program.

According to the Fox News story, a complaint filed with the House Committee on Ethics alleged that Rep. Waters (D-Calif.) flew from Washington, D.C., to Minneapolis to attend the trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin, who was convicted of murdering George Floyd.

The complaint says Rep. Waters was accompanied by two armed Capitol Police and two U.S. Secret Service agents but allegedly requested two federal air marshals and two more marshals once the plane touched down to escort her in the airport.

U.S. Capitol Police and Secret Service officials denied

those claims, telling Fox News that neither agency provided in-flight protection for Waters. Congresswoman Waters rebuked Fox News’ reporting and echoed the denials issued by the federal law enforcement agencies.

“I became aware that documents outlining a security threat assessment that included my flight number and other travel information was leaked to TownHall, a right-wing media outlet,” Rep. Waters said.  “It was then subsequently shared by Fox News, the New York Post, the Post Millennial, and other outlets where it was falsely claimed that the document indicated I had requested police protection during my trip. Again, this is an absolute lie…This leak of my travel information and operational and threat assessment information is deeply disturbing and puts my life at risk.”

The chairwoman of the House Committee on Financial Services threatened to sue Fox News, saying its “false claims” have led to continued death threats made against her.

“As a result of Fox’s willingness to lie and deceive its audience, I am now considering a lawsuit against Fox News and demand an immediate retraction of the article.”

Related Story: Maxine Waters’ Comments Criticized by Chauvin Trial’s Judge Cahill

The U.S. congresswoman detailed several death threats she received, most of which callers referred to her as the n-word. Waters’ office said the longtime congresswoman had been the target of at least two death threats being investigated by Capitol Police detectives.

According to her office, a man from Kansas left a profane and racist message for Waters, “Your time is coming n****r bitch…I got an AK47, and I’ll use it if I have to.”

Despite Foxs’ claims, Rep. Waters has said that these documents indicating her request for police protection are a lie.

Aziah Kamari

Aziah Kamari Pless is a writer and content creator with 5+ years of experience in freelance writer, editor and PR roles. A graduate of Florida State University, she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English: Editing, Writing and Media. She incorporates her interests in music, fashion, media and entertainment to create versatile and compelling content.