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Reddit Is Blowing Up About Relationship Debacle On AITA

Reddit users had a lot to say about the situation.

A recent Reddit post on “Am I The A**hole” (AITA) has the internet up in arms and debating about relationship drama and priorities.

The original post was put up by a user who calls herself silver893, and she asks for advice about a ski trip she was planning on taking with her friends. She described feeling uncomfortable around her male best friend’s new girlfriend and that it was so bad that when her best friend – Dante – invited their friend group on an all-expenses-paid vacation, she asked him to uninvite his girlfriend. The user asked if she was valid in her request after explaining the entire situation; social media users had an avalanche of opinions to give. 

In the popular post, the user explained that her friendship with Dante spanned back to when they were just babies and that, despite their closeness, they never had physical or romantic relations. After Dante got a new girlfriend, she began cornering the poster and interrogating

her about her long-standing friendship with Dante, most pertaining to if she’d ever been romantically interested in him.

The anonymous poster admitted that it all made her so uncomfortable that when Dante invited the group on the ski trip, she asked him not to let his girlfriend come. Reportedly, Dante obliged and left his girlfriend behind, and the friend group is now divided over who is in the right now, and tensions are high following the group trip.

Redditors couldn’t wait to weigh in with their two cents.

Humble-Unit8379 wrote, “ESH [Everyone Sucks Here]. His gf is insecure about your relationship with Dante and is being weird with you. But Dante is hosting, and you asked him to disinvite his gf, which makes you an AH. The fact that he did as you said (and told his gf) is a little odd and is only going to make his gf more suspect of you.”

Others thought that there had to be more to the story than what the poster was initially sharing.

“IDK, maybe OP [Original Poster] has been making it weird for awhile, ‘disinvite your girlfriend from the ski trip because she asked if I’d ever date you, and that makes being comfortable.’ This is the sort of thing you do if you want to break up your friend and their GF. GF acted insecure but was about a 2 or maybe a 4 on the weird scale op went right to 11 like spinal tap( op is a parody of jealous possessive BFF). OP said jump, and the BF immediately proved his girlfriend’s suspicions. Whether OP is interested in the guy or not, OP can and will inset herself in his relationship, and OP will win. I honestly would expect her to break up with BF over this. And asking a few awkward questions could have just turned into a funny story.” Another agreed with, “I’m on the fence here about the GF. The fact that OP felt comfortable enough to tell her friend, who is the host, to exclude his GF makes me wonder if OP has done other things that come across as inappropriate. I do also wonder if the GF’s questions were in direct response to something OP did in the moment. Either way, the BF sounds like an AH. His GF is his SO. For the sake of his relationship, he should have firmly declined OP’s request instead of courting drama by telling his GF.”

Some users just thought that the poster was dead in the wrong, “YTA [You’re The Asshole]. Where do you get off telling your friend who he can or cannot take to accommodations he is providing? ESPECIALLY his own girlfriend? If you are so uncomfortable, YOU stay home!”

The Reddit thread AITA or ‘Am I The A******’ focuses on giving users a space to share their conflict stories and have others in the community weigh in on if they were right or wrong.

Mary Symone

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Mary Symone