Categories: Sports

Pitcher Marcus Stroman Calls Out Racist Broadcaster For DuRag Comment

Racist comments will never slide.

New York Mets pitcher Marcus Stroman said he would strive to persevere through “adversity and racist undertones” after Arizona broadcaster Bob Brenly made a racist joke on Tuesday about the do-rag under the player’s cap.

While Stroman pitched on the mound in the fourth inning against his opponent, the Arizona Diamondbacks, Brenly, who is a Diamondbacks announcer for Bally Sports Arizona, commented: “Pretty sure that’s the same do-rag that Tom Seaver used to wear when he pitched for the Mets.”

Janelle Bombalier

Staff Writer for Sister2Sister and News Onyx with a fondness for traveling and photography. I enjoy giving my take on education, politics, entertainment, crime, social justice issues, and new trends.

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Janelle Bombalier