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Pastor Rick Joyner Says His Children are Evil After Being Criticized About His Plans Towards Violence

Joyner's Children Were Not Afraid to Stand Up to Their Father

Raw Story revealed that Evangelical pastor and Executive Director of MorningStar Ministries, Rick Joyner stated that his children are “evil,” although his offspring are Democratic. He said Christians should purchase guns to prepare for a future “civil war,” and liberals are allies of the devil.

“He talks about Democrats being evil, forgetting that all five of his kids vote Democratic,” said his eldest, Anna Jane Joyner, 36, a climate change activist and podcast host.

Joyner’s children questioned his reasoning and believed if his followers picked up a gun, it would cause further damage to the nation. The children believe his actions are irresponsible and knew they would be on the civil war’s opposing side.

“I think what he does is morally wrong, but I love him,” added Ben Joyner, 28, a filmmaker. “I don’t want to hurt him, but when he’s spreading dangerous ideas, it gets complicated.”

Anne Joyner pointed out her father’s irrational political thoughts four years earlier on Youtube. In the video, she commented on her father, specifying that former President Barack Obama was responsible for black supremacy, why Trump has a divine purpose, the media is the worst and dangerous terrorist organization. He also said Black Lives Matter is a hate group in the worst order. Joyner noted that her father’s comments are flawed and wanted viewers to know that they are not alone.

“People like my father have in the last couple of weeks not stood up for what Jesus stood for, and are perpetuating some very dangerous and hurtful narratives and ideas. I wish I could change it. I’m trying my best,” she said. “I just want you to know that you aren’t alone and that I hear you… I’m absolutely standing with you in this very serious sort of battle for the soul of our country.”

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof deliberately asked Joyner about the complications of raising children as they continue to explore their own beliefs. Joyner commended his children’s progression, but it can be painful when your children deplore all political views.

“It’s about even,” said Pastor Joyner. “One of my goals as a parent was to raise strong, independent children. But I think I overshot the runway.”

Despite Pastor Joyner’s corrupted political views, Anne Joyner recalled her father being her support system during Hurricane Sally in Alabama. She felt protected and safe while he was informing her about the safety guidelines.

“I’m so angry at him for his politics and for endangering me and all of us by not believing in climate change,” she said. “And yet he’s the one I turn to in the middle of the night when I’m evacuating and I’m really scared.”

The Bible says, in Exodus 20:12, “Honor Thy Mother and Father so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” But, what do you do when a father disrespects his children nationwide?

Dominique Carson

Dominique Carson is an award-winning community activist, journalist, researcher, and licensed massage therapist. In November 2020, she published a biography on R&B icon, Jon B entitled, Jon B: Are You Still Down? She graduated with her bachelor's and master's degrees from CUNY Brooklyn College. Carson also received her massage degree and certification from CUNY Queensborough Community College. Ms. Carson has been an active freelance writer for eight years and wrote for many publications including Amsterdam News, NBC News, The Grio,,,, & Bleu Magazine. She has interviewed over 100 notable people in entertainment. Carson has been apart of various writing projects over the years such as How to Survive Freshmen Year in College, Lefferts Manor Association Journal, and Brooklyn College media-related assignments. She is currently a senior writer for Sister 2 Sister & News Onyx.

Published by
Dominique Carson