Categories: Sports

NFL Star Dawuane Smoot Helps Wife Deliver Newborn Daughter In Jacksonville Home

Ahlani Moon Smoot is the couple's first daughter and second child.

Jacksonville Jaguars player Dawuane Smoot and pregnant wife Aumari Smoot were heading out of their Florida home and towards a hospital when she reportedly fell and began to go into labor early Tuesday morning, Oct. 19. According to WSVN, quick thinking led to the NFL’s defensive end catching his wife and helping her deliver their newborn baby girl inside their living room.

According to Good Morning America, Aumari went into labor weeks earlier than the couple had expected. After phoning 911, Dawuane listened to paramedics and followed their instructions on tying

their daughter’s umbilical cord, ESPN reported.

The pair also share a 2-year-old son named Ahmir, making this their second child together.

Sharing a photo of the adorable napping newborn on Instagram last Tuesday, Dawuane also detailed the scary experience with his thousands of online fans, writing,For the past nine months my wife and I both dreamt of having our second child and first daughter, but nothing could have prepared us for this. Seeing you collapse on the floor while walking out the door to the hospital was the scariest moment of my life. But seeing your strength to stay calm and not panic allowed me to realize everything was going to be okay. God had our back.”

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The 26-year-old father and NFL star continued to show his gratitude for his wife and family, adding, “I can’t thank you enough for being such a strong woman and bringing our daughter Ahlani Moon Smoot into this world at home. You are a true warrior. I trust God and the path he has my family on. I thank him for looking after my wife, Ahlani, Ahmir, and myself all this time. I will always owe you.”

Congratulations to the Smoot family on their safe delivery and new addition!

Jada Ojii

Jada Ojii is a creative, fun, and witty writer based in Memphis, Tennessee. She has over 6 years of experience as a freelance writer, specializing in entertainment (music, tv, film), black culture, trending news and more.