Categories: Black History

Newark New Jersey is Replacing Christopher Columbus Statue With Harriet Tubman Statue

The Christoper Columbus statue was removed last year.

Newark Mayor Ras Baraka revealed the new design for the Harriet Tubman statue that is replacing the Christopher Columbus statue in Washington Park. The Christopher Columbus statue was removed in June 2020 after the George Floyd protests.

The Harriet Tubman statue will be called “Shadow of a Face.”

The famous enslaved woman guided dozens of slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad.

The new statue will actually be a circular monument to Tubman. The monument will include a large mosaic profile of Tubman along with text throughout the square that will highlight the history of the Underground Railroad, including safe houses throughout Newark and New Jersey.

The mayor said that memorializing Tubman for saving the lives of so many with the Underground Railroad will be a symbol of hope for Newark and the country. The Underground Railroad traveled through Newark and was the last stop before New York.

“Ahead of the 156th anniversary of the emancipation of enslaved people in the U.S., it is only fitting that we memorialize Tubman’s heroic efforts leading slaves to better opportunities and freedom via the Underground Railroad through Newark for generations to come. Ms. John’s work of public art will be a symbol of hope and optimism, not only for our Newark community, but also for the entire country.” – Mayor Ras J. Baraka

The artist of the Harriet Tubman statue design is New Jersey artist Nina Cooke John. John was

chosen as the designer for the statue along with artist Adebunmi Gbadebo. John will assist Gbadebo as an apprentice.

“As a woman, a Black woman, and mother of three girls, I am delighted to bring my memorial for Harriet Tubman to life in Newark,” John said. “My design creates a welcoming space for people to connect with Tubman as well as interact and reflect on their own liberation from whatever weight they might be carrying. This is a monument for the community and by the community.”

Washington Park will also be renamed Tubman Square in 2022 when the monument is unveiled.

Niko Mann

Niko Mann is a Freelance Journalist for News Onyx and Sister2Sister. She lives in Los Angeles. Follow her on Twitter@niko1mann.