Photo Courtesy of Twitter (@GiannoCaldwell)
Christian Caldwell, the younger brother of Fox News political analyst Gianno Caldwell, was murdered on Friday in Chicago. Gianno revealed the news on Saturday through Twitter.
“Yesterday was the worst day of my existence,” his tweet said. “I received a call informing me that my teenage baby brother was murdered on the south side of Chicago. Never could I have imagined my baby brother’s life would be stolen from him.”
Gianno attached a photo of him next to his younger sibling, who was dressed in graduation attire.
CBS reported that a shooting occurred around 2 a.m. Friday in the 11400 block of South Vincennes Avenue, where officers discovered about 50 shell casings on the street. The bullets from the suspect’s gun broke through the windows of nearby houses.
A 25-year-old woman was transported to Christ Hospital in fair condition, a 31-year-old is currently in a critical condition, and 18-year-old Christian Caldwell succumbed to his injuries.
The suspect left the scene in a black sedan.
During this challenging time, Calwell is focused on receiving justice and details on what occurred the night his brother died.
“What I’m looking for right now is details from the police to discover who it was that murdered my brother,” Caldwell told Fox News. “[My} baby brother never had a chance.”
Caldwell said that he never imagined his brother would be a victim of gun violence and gave a message to his brother’s murderers, asking them to surrender and be “brought to justice.”
“Then one day, whenever they’re out of jail — if it’s not for life — maybe they can turn their lives around and give hope to other young men if there is any hope of rehabilitating them,” he said.
In a family of nine siblings, Christian was the youngest. Caldwell said that he was Christian’s father figure since he had not met his father. He posted on Twitter a heartwarming text message his younger brother sent him, expressing his gratitude for Caldwell being the closing things to a father and teaching him a lot.