Photo courtesy of Nicole Peoples Facebook
A six-year-old boy from Las Vegas became a viral internet sensation this past week after his mother posted an image of him having his school photo taken with a mask.
Mason Peoples refused to take off his mask on picture day at school because his mother told him not to remove it unless he’s eating.
“My mommy said to keep it on all the time unless I’m eating and far away from everybody,” Mason told the photographer.
Mason’s mother, Nicole Peoples, wrote a Facebook post detailing the original interaction. The post was written on Monday. As of late Saturday night, it has generated more than 23,000 emotional reactions and more than 16,000 shares.
According to Mason’s mother, the photographer replied: “I’m sure it’s ok to take it off for your pictures.”
But the boy would not defy his mother’s instructions, even for the class photograph.
“No, my mom seriously told me to make sure to keep it on,” he said.
“Are you sure you don’t want to take it off for two seconds?” the photographer asked Mason.
Mason replied: “No, thank you! I always listen to my mom!”
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Facebook users praised her son.
“You should be proud! It has to be hard to stand up to an adult but he had the confidence to stand up for what he thought was right. Good job mama!” wrote Alis Meece.
Leila Anderson commented: “I love it! What an incredible keepsake from this crazy era we’re living through.”
“This is hilariously cute!! Lol,” wrote Darrisa Prenee.
Shanesha S. Davis commented: “Priceless.”
The outpouring of support online and people’s wish to buy Mason a treat led his mother to create a GoFundMe crowdfunding page.
The page reads:
The page has received over $21,000 to go towards his college funds.