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Dr. Umar Johnson Marries Two Women At Pan-African Festival

The lecturer's wife search has apparently reached a conclusion.

Over the weekend, Dr. Umar Johnson had a polygamous wedding wherein he became the husband to two wives.

Photos of Johnson began circulating the internet early Monday of the speaker in a tuxedo flanked by two women in bridal attire. In videos that have been shared on Twitter, there was also a little girl in flower girl attire.

Saturday was Johnson’s FDMG RBG Unapologetically Afrikan Fest. FDMG stands for Fredrick Douglass Marcus Garvey, and RBG stands

for red, black and green for the colors associated with the Pan-African and Black Liberation flags.

Although many social media observers were shocked and befuddled by the wedding, Johnson is no stranger to stirring up controversy.

In 2014, he announced that he wanted to purchase the campus of a defunct college in Virginia and turn it into a school for Black boys. He sought donations from his followers and anyone else who cared to give.

He missed that opportunity and scouted a new location in Delaware.

He reportedly raised

a million dollars but found that the building needs other work such as plumbing that would cost in the middle to upper six-figures.

Johnson has repeatedly engaged in shaming tactics to get more donations for the school that, seven years later, is nowhere near completion.

“If I were Mexican, the school would be done. It’s only because it’s us…that we don’t take something like [education] as serious,” he said.

Since then, Johnson has also kept himself in front of the Black collective by giving himself nicknames such as “Big Popa” and “King Kong” and made several appearances on The Breakfast Club



Last year, he opened up his “wifey applications” and explained that he was searching for Black women to send in resumes and photos if they wanted the opportunity to couple with him.

One of his requirements was that the women had to agree to be in a polygamous marriage.

For now, his wives are presently unnamed.

Kristen Muldrow

A native Dallasite who'll write anything if the price is right.

Published by
Kristen Muldrow