Photo courtesy of Twitter.
Conservative political commentator Candace Owens was trending on Twitter after President Joe Biden announced his preference to nominate a Black woman to the U.S. Supreme Court. There will be an open seat due to the retiring Justice Stephen Breyer.
Even though Owens is neither a lawyer nor judge, Republicans seem to believe she would be a suitable replacement. Owens joked
about the idea of being on the U.S. Supreme Court on Twitter.She later mocked
the president’s announcement by nominating herself with the acknowledgment that she is both Black and female and therefore qualified.“Am I really trending because America wants me to be the next Supreme Court justice?” she wrote. “What an honor!”
“It would be my absolute honor to accept this nomination on behalf of the American people,” she wrote. “I assure you I meet all the necessary qualifications as I am both black and female. I look forward to establishing further communication with the Biden administration.
Folks quickly reminded Owens’ followers that she could not be a Supreme Court Justice because she had no law degree, let alone a college degree. Bishop Talbert Swan reminded Owens that eating butter biscuits and being an apologist for white supremacy are not qualifications for the job.
Owens was also recently in the news after a meltdown over the cartoon character Minnie Mouse wearing pants. In a rant that made no sense, she said that liberals were destroying the fabrics of society. The commentator made the remark while appearing on FOX News with Jesse Watters.
“This is why people don’t take these people seriously,” she said. “They are taking all of these things, that nobody was offended by and feel they have to get rid of them and destroy them. Because they are bored, they are absolutely bored, they are trying to destroy fabrics of our society pretending that there’s issues. This is so everybody looks over here, look at Minnie Mouse, don’t look at inflation, Jesse. Look at Minnie Mouse, the world is going forward because we have got her in a pantsuit. Never mind that you can’t get anything at the grocery store and you can’t buy a piece of bacon unless you’ve got $30 in your pocket. At least we’re addressing the real problem, which is Minnie Mouse.”
Say what now? Poor Owens must not understand that the Minnie Mouse pantsuit is temporary. Stella McCartney designed it for Women’s History Month and Walt Disney Studios Park’s 30th anniversary in Paris. Also, where is this child buying her bacon?