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Black Women Petition Social Media Platforms To Censor Kevin Samuels

It is time for misogynoir to no longer be profitable.

Black women are sick of Kevin Samuels’ bullsh*t and are asking that tech platforms, such as Youtube, censor his content.

Kevin Samuels is one of many people who receive much more attention than he’s worth for those unfamiliar with the clown. He calls himself an “image consultant.” However, he is really just a misogynoirist that figured out that being hostile towards Black women on social media was much more lucrative and much easier than getting a real job.

Samuels’ Youtube page has over one million subscribers, most of them Black men who have achieved as little or less than he has. One of his most popular videos, “You’re Average At Best,” where he lambasted a Black woman who deigned to call in for his dating advice, went viral with over one million views.

Goldie Jones, another Youtube creator, has started a petition to get this sexist a**hole with an employee discount code off of the social media platform, reported Moguldom. In fact, she wants Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and Facebook to censor him as well.

The petition says, “With the rise in violence against women, specifically African-American women, YouTuber Kevin Samuels has galvanized a community of men of all races and nationalities in the outspoken hatred of women.”

Kevin Samuels has been exposed on multiple occasions for living or having lived a life contrary to what he portrays. He claims that he is a “high-value” man and that women must have the beauty to date and marry elite men…like himself (pause for hysterical laughter).

However, court documents revealed that the divorced president of the He-Man Woman Haters Club, in addition to failure to make timely child support payments, made less than $900 per month, and his wife at the time was actually the one who was “high-value.”  Unfortunately, she did not have the self-esteem at the time to realize she was marrying a dud.

The petition has been active for about two months and has garnered just under 1,200 signatures.


Kristen Muldrow

A native Dallasite who'll write anything if the price is right.

Published by
Kristen Muldrow