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Black State Trooper Fights Potential Termination After Critiquing Louisiana State Police

The Black state trooper publicly criticized the police's handling of the 2019 death of Ronald Greene.

A Louisiana state trooper publicly criticized his department for the violent arrest and death of Ronald Greene in 2019. He vowed to fight for his job after being notified of pending termination.

Carl Cavalier, 33, has been with Louisiana State Police since 2014. According to NBC News, he told a local TV station that the department was involved in a coverup of the death of Ronald Greene. He also called troopers who arrested Greene “murderers.”

Greene, 49, was arrested by troopers on May 10, 2019, after a high-speed chase. The bodycam footage showed Greene being stunned, punched, dragged and left without medical assistance for about nine minutes.

Greene’s autopsy identified his cause of death as “cocaine agitated delirium complicated by motor vehicle collision, physical struggle, inflicted head injury and restraint.” The FBI later opened a criminal investigation into the arrest.

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Cavalier has been on paid leave since August. He shared a letter with NBC News notifying him of his potential termination on Oct. 8. The letter cited violations for public statements, loyalty to the department, dissemination of information, seeking publicity and conduct unbecoming of an officer. The 45-day termination notice was signed by Louisiana State Police Superintendent Lamar A. Davis.

In a statement, a state police spokeswoman said: “Trooper Cavalier received the decision of the appointing authority to move forward with termination based on an administrative investigation that revealed he violated several departmental policies. It should be noted that our administrative disciplinary process is not finalized, and Cavalier remains an employee at this time.”

Cavalier believes he’s being retaliated against for his comments and for writing a fictional book about the experience of being a Black police officer.

Cavalier said, “I swore and took an oath to do exactly what I’m doing. I’m going to pursue my job with everything in me. If the justice system works like it’s supposed to, if the appeals process works how it’s supposed to, I believe I’ll have my job back.”

Cavalier filed a discrimination lawsuit against his supervisors last month.

Aziah Kamari

Aziah Kamari Pless is a writer and content creator with 5+ years of experience in freelance writer, editor and PR roles. A graduate of Florida State University, she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English: Editing, Writing and Media. She incorporates her interests in music, fashion, media and entertainment to create versatile and compelling content.