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Black Folks Pulled Up On Fort Jackson Soldier Who Assaulted a Shy Black Man

We love to see it!

Protestors gathered outside the home of a white Fort Jackson soldier who was seen earlier in a viral video assaulting a young Black man walking in his own South Carolina neighborhood.

In the video that went viral on Twitter, a white man who was later identified as U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Jonathan Pentland is seen shouting expletives while harassing and pushing a young Black man identified as Deandre in The Summit subdivision in northeast Columbia.

At one point Pentland, who is stationed at Fort Jackson, is heard saying, “You’re in the wrong neighborhood,” Pentland, standing on the sidewalk, can be heard saying to the other man before using an expletive. “I ain’t playing with you… I’m about to show you what I can do”

It wasn’t long after the video was shared across Twitter that members of the community organized a protest outside of Pentland’s home. Neighbors were in attendance as were South Carolinians from as far a Charleston and Greenville.

Jasmine James, a resident of The Summit told News 19 in Columbia that she attended the protest because she wanted to be heard and let others like Pentland that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated where they live.

“I came out today as I wanted to make my voice heard, so people know this is not OK. We are simply trying to exist and be a part of America like everyone else.” James said.

James’ mother, Michele James, was also one of the protestors in attendance and shared how the harassment of the young Black man made her think that it could have been her own child and how the incident could have ended in a more tragic manner.

“We can no longer stand by and let it happen,” Michele James explained. “I have a son, myself. He’s older, but that could’ve been my child.”

One of the speakers at the protest was Shea Harley, an Air Force veteran. Harley pointed directly at Pentland’s home and said, “I come to you today, that you don’t deserve to serve another second in the United States’ Army. You took a oath, to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, of enemies foreign and domestic.”

Harley continued, “We took an oath. You are supposed to have service before self. You are supposed to defend this country. You are supposed to have excellence in all that you do.”

The protests were shut down around 8:20 p.m. after Sherriff’s deputies were called

to the Pentland home over claims that they had gotten “disruptive” and that the home had been vandalized. Deputies removed Pentland’s family from home and relocated them. As a result, the subdivision is now only open to residents.

Pentland has since been arrested an charged with third degree assault and battery in the third degree, both misdemeanors, in the incident that took place earlier with the young Black man. If convicted, he faces a $500 fine and 30 days in jail. Officials at Fort Jackson will be conducting their own investigation.


Aisha K. Staggers

Aisha K. Staggers, M.F.A., Managing Editor for Sister 2 Sister and News Onyx. Not just a writer, I am also a literary agent, political analyst, culture critic and Prince historian. Weekly appearances on the Dr. Vibe Show feed my soul. The Hill, Paper Magazine, MTV News, HuffPost, Blavity, AfroPunk, Atlanta Blackstar, The New York Review of Books, are just a few of the places where you can find my work.