A birthday celebration in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, turned deadly for one 25-year-old North Carolina woman. Now, her family is demanding answers to why their loved one never made it home.
According to WBTW, Shanquella Robinson took a trip to the Latin destination with six friends to reportedly celebrate an unconfirmed friend, Nazeer’s birthday. The crew arrived in Cabo from Charlotte on October 28. In less than 24 hours of their arrival, a viral video recorded by a person in the group revealed a naked Shanquella being brutally beaten by another woman in the villa as so-called friends egged the fight on. The young woman didn’t try to defend herself.
A person behind the cell phone camera was heard telling Shanquella to “at least fight back.”
The hairstylist died on October 29.
Bernard and Salamondra Robinson were told by a friend in the group that their beloved baby girl had succumbed to “alcohol poisoning.” But an autopsy would later reveal that the 25-year-old woman’s death was caused by a” broken neck and her spine in the back was cracked.”
Salamondra recalled the last time she spoke with her daughter.
“She told me they had a chef. They were getting ready to eat. They were eating tacos or a salad or something, and I said, ‘OK. I love you. Have a good night, and I will talk to you tomorrow.’ I never talked to my child again. She never made it back home.”
“She had a heart of gold. She loved everybody, and pretty much everybody loved her,” a grieving Salamondra said, describing Shanquella.
The Charlotte native also recounted the frightening phone call from the young woman’s “friend.”
“They said she wasn’t feeling well. She had alcohol poisoning. They couldn’t get a pulse. Each one of the people that was there with her was telling different stories.”
“When the autopsy came back, they said it didn’t have anything to do with the alcohol,” Salamondra said.
“[They] said that she had a broken neck and her spine in the back was cracked. She had been beaten.”
Her shady a** group of friends have gone radio silent on social media except for a video made by one of the men claiming to be on the trip.
The North Carolina Beat has identified Shanquella’s associates as Khalil Cooke, Malik Dyer, Wenter Donovan, Alysse Hyatt, Daejhanae Jackson, and Nazeer Wiggins.
Khalil was reportedly the 25-year-old woman’s best friend of five years. He is also allegedly the person who contacted her mother.
The publication also revealed that the shady gang may have tried to cover up Shanquella’s death. Khalil allegedly brought back his deceased friend’s luggage to the U.S. after they departed Cabo.
“He brought her luggage to my house when he got back, and he just kept saying she died from alcohol poisoning,” Salamondra said. “At that point, I just said I was going to wait for the autopsy to come back. He kept coming around the house every day; his mom is with him.”
The woman’s sister, Quilla Long, claimed that Khalil’s conscience was attacking him.
“Now that stuff done happen, I can go back and say, ‘that’s why he was pacing.’ I mean, you would have thought he was coming off something like he was high. He was nervous, he was sweating, and grabbing his beard, Long said. “It had to be eating him up then.”
The mother also detailed that although Wenter, Alysse and Daejhanae denied there was an altercation, she saw photos of Shanquella’s face and head with lacerations on her lips and face, swelling of her eyes and a knot on her head.
Quilla kept it a buck about her feelings for Shanquela’s so-called bestie, Khalil.
“I wouldn’t have thought that Khalil would be as dirty as he is. He’s a dirty motherf*cker, and if I had known what I know now, I would have gone to his ass and the girls’ ass in my house.”
The confused father said that they never offered condolences for his daughter’s death, and he believed that they were hiding what really happened on that fateful day.
Nazeer reportedly posted a video alleging that he arrived a day later and that he had tried to help Shanquella. He babbled on about having receipts, and he wasn’t aware that the situation was dire. Nazeer also claimed that a nurse had examined the woman, but she wasn’t dead. Comments from viewers made it clear that they weren’t buying Nazeer’s tale.
Black Twitter weighed in on Shanquella’s tragic death.
Everyone involved should spend the rest of their lives in jail for what they did & allowed to happen to Shaquella Robinson. We should stop using the word “Friends” so lightly.
— Mike McClure Jr. (@PastorMikeJr) November 16, 2022
The Shaquella Robinson situation is why you cannot trust a SOUL ! Don’t be as forgiving to mfs or available. No matter the bond, history or how big your heart is ppl will have so much built against you, despise you & plot on you. Once they show you it’s FUCK YOU , FUCK THEM!
— ?? (@citygal5O4) November 16, 2022
6 friends literally plotted and left the country TOGETHER!!! Left the country and told the girl mom she died of alcohol poisoning.
Put them all under the jail. That’s some bs.
Justice for#ShaquellaRobinson
— ? Braxton Photo ? FLORIDA (@BraxtonPhoto) November 16, 2022
That video pisses me off. It’s dangerous being a bitch friend. Y’all are set up artist and kick it around people you hate.Jealousy makes y’all do the unimaginable. #justiceforshaquella #shaquellarobinson
— ?♀️Hęåvėnly Honçhō?♀️ (@HeavenlyHoncho) November 15, 2022
She deserved so much better. I hope every single person who contributed to her passing is locked up for life. #ShaquellaRobinson pic.twitter.com/xKddkM3XMZ
— E (@mochabarbiie) November 16, 2022
Mexican authorities in Cabo are denying foul play, but the investigation continues. The FBI is also involved. Shanquella’s family covered the $6,000 to return her body to the U.S.
We hope her family gets justice.