Categories: Culture

Angie Jones and Nine Other Black Women Experience Racism In First Class

Twitter has the tea.

Software developer Angie Jones went on a girl’s trip with other Black women and shared her first-class racist experience on Twitter.

Jones boarded a flight with nine other Black women and headed to the first-class section. From there, the airline and its passengers showed their a**es.

Jones wrote in a Twitter thread, “People literally could not process how it was possible. Staff tried to send us to regular lines. Passengers made snide remarks. One guy even yelled ‘are they a higher class of people than I am?!'”

Jones is the Senior Director of Developer Relations at Applitools, holds 26 patented inventions in the United States of America and Japan, and is an IBM Master Inventor. But apparently, the color of her skin made her the target. Apparently, Black people don’t sit in first class and apparently Black people being “treated” as having a “higher status” than a white person is unacceptable.

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Jones posted a follow up to her thread:

“don’t have the spoons to reply to everyone but to those saying I’m lying, you’re a huge part of the problem you tell yourself a notable person is lying (for what reason, I cannot figure out) before you believe there are actual racists in…America FYI, yall look really foolish.”

Several supporters and users have voiced their opinions sharing their own experiences with micro-aggressions.

Have you had similar experiences with racism?
Aziah Kamari

Aziah Kamari Pless is a writer and content creator with 5+ years of experience in freelance writer, editor and PR roles. A graduate of Florida State University, she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English: Editing, Writing and Media. She incorporates her interests in music, fashion, media and entertainment to create versatile and compelling content.

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Aziah Kamari