Software developer Angie Jones went on a girl’s trip with other Black women and shared her first-class racist experience on Twitter.
Jones boarded a flight with nine other Black women and headed to the first-class section. From there, the airline and its passengers showed their a**es.
Jones wrote in a Twitter thread, “People literally could not process how it was possible. Staff tried to send us to regular lines. Passengers made snide remarks. One guy even yelled ‘are they a higher class of people than I am?!'”
this weekend I went on a girls trip. 10 Black women flying first class. People literally could not process how it was possible.
Staff tried to send us to regular lines. Passengers made snide remarks. One guy even yelled “are they a higher class of people than I am?!”
Stay mad.
— Angie Jones (@techgirl1908) July 28, 2021
Jones is the Senior Director of Developer Relations at Applitools, holds 26 patented inventions in the United States of America and Japan, and is an IBM Master Inventor. But apparently, the color of her skin made her the target. Apparently, Black people don’t sit in first class and apparently Black people being “treated” as having a “higher status” than a white person is unacceptable.
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Jones posted a follow up to her thread:
“don’t have the spoons to reply to everyone but to those saying I’m lying, you’re a huge part of the problem you tell yourself a notable person is lying (for what reason, I cannot figure out) before you believe there are actual racists in…America FYI, yall look really foolish.”
Several supporters and users have voiced their opinions sharing their own experiences with micro-aggressions.
pre-pandemic my mother and I went on cruises and traveled in the highest suite levels they had. butler service, concierge, special elevators, special dining halls, the works and WOW DID IT MAKE YT FOLKS MAD! one time a man tried to curse me out for skipping the regular line
— Jen is writing a romance novel (@darlinginmyway) July 28, 2021
REAL TRUTH!! ????One time in first class the flight attendant who *just served me orange juice* asked me if I was in the right section when a little later I stood up to use the 1st class restroom. That means: 1) she didn’t actually see me 2) I looked like I don’t belong there. ?
— Farzana Nayani (@farzananayani) July 28, 2021
I’m brown and this happened to me. I had enough credits to upgrade my flight from SFO to YYZ to biz class. Standing the priority boarding queue a white man behind me told me I may be in the wrong queue. Showed him my boarding pass, aisle seat at row 1. He shut up quick.
— marino (@virtualized6ix) July 28, 2021