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A New York Man Yanks A Black Woman’s Wig From Her Head And Refuses To Apologize, Best Believe The Internet Found Him

She had every right to clock him!

A man in New York desperately needs a butt-whooping after he illicitly yanked a Black woman’s wig off and refused to apologize.

According to the victim and musician Lizzy Ashliegh, the disrespectful occurrence happened early Monday morning, around 1 a.m., in New York City.

With her greenish, blueish wig in hand, Ashliegh repeatedly asked the man why he ripped her wig from her head.

“Sir, for what f**king reason? For what reason? For what reason did you take my wig off? Because what made you think that that was the good thing to do? For what?! For what?! Why did you do that?”

Instead of answering her or offering an apology, the imbecile had a smile on his face and attempted to continue walking. Meanwhile, his friends pleaded with him to apologize and tried to apologize on his behalf. But the grown-ass man couldn’t even muster an “I’m sorry.”

He even dared to ask “for what,” not seeing a reason to apologize after violently tearing Ashliegh’s wig from her head.

One of the friends could be seen looking apologetic at the camera.

“You,” Ashliegh said, referring to the kinder friend. “You’re nice as f**k. Him? He needs somebody to beat his f**king ass. I’m dead ass.”

@lizzyashmusicPardon my French but he needs one good ass whooping !!! ???♬ original sound – Lizzy Ashliegh

Ashliegh posted the video to her TikTok and Instagram. In the Instagram caption, she wrote, “Somebody get your man’s!!! This man thought It was a good idea to snatch my wig off in the middle of the street and keep walking. THIS IS WILD TO ME. He doesn’t even see how he’s wrong or have the balls to say sorry. He’s not right when I was minding my own business. This is crazy to me!! Upset Now, but deleting later! Keeping it transparent, NY is wild, man #deletinglater #upset #furious.”

Following the incident, Ashliegh posted an update video to TikTok.

“I just got home. I’m safe. But look at this. If you pull the wig, it looks like it’s going to come off, right? And then it gets stuck because it has combs in it,” the musician revealed. 

She attempted to pull her wig off, showing there was resistance to emphasize how hard the asshole had to pull 

to extract her wig completely.

“So, he ended up pulling my hair in order to officially take it off,” she said. “You have to then yank down and then try your best. It’s still not coming off!”

She shook the hair side to side violently to show that the wig wouldn’t come off.

“He dead-pulled my whole wig off.”

@lizzyashmusic Replying to @talia ♬ original sound – Lizzy Ashliegh

TikTok detectives began their investigation to find the violator’s information — they didn’t fail!

TikTok found that Anthony P. Orlich, an associate at Leader Berkon Colao & Silverstein LLP, was the culprit. Of course, viewers contacted Orlish’s workplace. While the company hasn’t released a statement, it silently removed Orlich’s profile from its website.

In another video, Ashliegh thanked her supporters for finding and reporting him to his company. The same day she reported Orlich to the police, who advised her to go to the doctor to get checked out.

“The doctor said my neck area is very tense, as if like a traumatic event,” she said. “Not like a car accident, but when you have anything…it was a shock, and he said it’s very tense, and I need muscle relaxers, so he gave me muscle relaxers. So, I have that. I don’t know what to do from here. I got a report, went to the doctor.”

@lizzyashmusic Replying to @ANI-PHANTOMl ♬ original sound – Lizzy Ashliegh

The Neighborhood Talk posted her traumatic experience to Instagram, where she commented, “I swear if he would [have] said ‘my fault’ or ‘my bad, I was just joking’ even though it’s not funny, I would [have] kept it pushing, but he truly had no remorse. His own friend apologized for him, so the whole ‘Oh, but he drunk’ so were his friends, and they had more common sense [than] him. What’s wrong is wrong, G.”

Taylor Berry